Wow! Nice movie it's funny and in fact it is quite true in real life HAHA! This is a good movie worth watching. School going to reopen soon must enjoy this weekend! aw!!! cannot waste it!
"The Ugly Truth"
Was being arrange into a interview, at first i think that it is like a scam or something but when i reach their office it does not give me the feeling of a scamming company. It is like a apartment but rent for business purpose. The company is very zen! Understand that i need to do my own portfolio in order that the company can help me market to the clients. But never realise that the person want me to take the shooting on next coming Monday and need me to pay $680 straight on this interview. In the end i decided to think and consider, have finalise my decision already and i think i'm not doing it now. If anyone of you are reading and you think you have a lobang in Model or any experience that can share with me type in the shout box and will get back to you soon.
Also thinking of going into such career i did think of going into the model industries line. So when this person approach me was like i was given a opportunity to go into this line of freelance modeling. below is the name card that was being issue to me.
Regretted watching this show should have catch the movie "The ugly Turth" which is also act by Gerard Butler.
Recently blogger can't let me post my posting due to some error in them i guess. Went to watch a movie which is "GAMER" and seriously speaking the movie is disappointing. Not what i expected or i can say not everyone in the cinema expected to watch.
There's action but the action is not good. I guess no one in the cinema after watching the movie get what's the storyline about. But seriously they did the trailer too nice to trick us go watch the movie.
Today have this thought, i kept asking myself and reflect on it, is this Part-Time job really what i want to work and do i enjoy doing it? I think this job really don't suits me and i don't enjoy my first day of work.
I really thought of not working. How can i work in a job that i have no interest and like putting myself in a place to suffer while working? LOLs Before blogging this post i did find some Part- Time job that i can work maybe.
But all the job need at least a 3 mths of commitment and i don't have such long holiday. Did think back maybe now i just continue this job first and see how things goes. But i can assure that this job is not the right job for me.
Guess won't be working long bah. Hope tomorrow's timing will pass damn fast during my working hours.
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